Pure Honey (organic honey)

Mahabaleshwar Honey is organic when the flowers that the bees use to produce the honey have not been treated with chemicals. The term organic honey has nothing to do with the production process of the honey. A hive can produce organic honey, but the extracted honey can be heated, filtered, and processed and therefore not raw. It is also called as Mahabaleshwar's pure forest hon

Jambhul Honey

Madhusagar Pure Apiary Pure Honey JAMBHUL specializes in pure raw honey, minimally processed to maintain all the natural enzymes placed there by the bees. It has high nutritional values and is used for many purposes. It is filtered and tested for purity and packed in its pure and uncontaminated form without any addition of artificial preservatives and sugar. It is useful for treating respiratory problems, cough, cold and other allergies. Daily consumption of honey will ensure good health. Madhusagar is a Mahabaleshwar based company who is very well known for its purity of Honey. Anyone visiting Mahabaleshwar never returns home without its Honey, Jam, Jelly, and syrup. Madhusagar Honey is 100% Natural Does not contain any additives, preservatives, artificial colours and artificial flavours, its Extensively used in Ayurveda for its medicinal value. Drinking a tablespoon of honey with warm water every day in the morning also helps weight loss.

Natural Blend Honey

Our beekeepers use sustainable, ethical and hygienic methods of harvesting multiflora honey. In addition, we personally visit our sources directly and oversee the honey harvesting process. BeeKeepers harvest honey only from the sealed comb without harming bees and their broods. So, this way honey bees can restart making honey. A sustainable method! Similarly, they keep the bee boxes in the deep forest and near to the pure water streams for honey bees to make honey. There is no fertilizer or pesticides, it is pure organic honey. Also, they make sure to keep the bee boxes away from the roads. Otherwise, it may create a nuisance to bees which affect their honey-making activities. Beekeepers check all the natural conditions before they set bees for the nectar

Honey with Strawberry jam

Enjoy the real taste of strawberries every day in your breakfast by having simply delicious strawberry jam with actual shards of strawberries. Put this smooth andrich spread on toast, smoothies, cookies, or chapattis and prepare quick healthy morning or evening recipes for the entire family. The Mahabaleshwar's fresh strawberries we use

Honey with jambhul jam

Jambhul Jam infused with Honey from Madhusagar in Mahabaleshwar. This Jambhul Jam is made from fresh Jambhul Fruits. It tastes yummy yet it's healthy since there is no added sugar in the Jam, yes you can call it Sugar-free. It is diabetic friendly since there is no added sugar and from Jambhul fruit. You can eat it with bread, roti, parathas, pancakes, the possibilities are endless. Buy it, apply it, eat it, it's Diabetic people are required to seek advice before consuming this product, as it contains honey